Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Sketchbook #3

I am back in the Netherlands since last week and haven't sorted out all my drawings etc yet so there will be more! Also I have so more pics on my camera that I really want to post and work with for illustrations too, but I have lost my camera cable. As soon as I have found it or got a new one I will be posting more again.

Even if it's just to make sure this whole London trip wasn't a dream. Because to be honest that's what it feels like being back home!

Anyway, for now here are some pages from my sketchbook :)

Tuesday, 30 June 2015


Long post incoming!! I went to the V&A this saturday and thought I'd share some pictures of the things I loved.

It is absolutely enormous and even though I spent about 4 hours there I think I only saw about a third of everything in the museum! I was going to go to the Alexander McQueen exhibition but seeing as there were timed slots I decided not to go and to wander around the museum instead. Which was a good decision as I saw so many amazing things! First off, just look at this for an entrance. The Rotunda Chandelier by Chihuly is an amazing sight. And it weighs more than 1500 kilo's!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Name Change!

Decided i'm going to keep this blog updated after my time in London too, to keep myself motivated and keep whoever is interested updated on what I get up to! So it only seems logical to change the name then too! Also; just two more weeks until I go back home again! Time has flown by.. I will be doing more London related posts though! X

Monday, 22 June 2015


Last weekend was ELCAF! East London Comic and Arts Festival. I didn't get to go on saturday as I had other things planned but I spent sunday afternoon there and really enjoyed it! Talked to some lovely people and saw some amazing illustrations.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Masterclass with Alexis Deacon!

Yesterday I had a masterclass with Alexis Deacon at House of Illustration! It was part of ELCAF and a great day! I will definitly be going back to House of Illustration too as they have some great exhibitions at the moment and their shop is a treasure trove full of wonderfully illustrated books, including some of Alexis Deacons!

Sketchbook #2

Post two with a few of my sketchbook drawings!

Saturday, 6 June 2015

London Illustrators - Clare Halifax

Clare Halifax is one of Print Club's artists, I saw her work on the first day of my internship there in the gallery and was amazed by the detail and the skill that goes into her screenprints. Some of her prints are absolutely massive and I always get distracted when I see them at Print Club because there is just so much to look at! 

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Tate Modern

This post is a little late as it was quite a whhile ago that I went to the Tate Modern but I still wanted to post about it! I met up with Lotte from the HKU who is studying/living in Dundee at the moment as she was having a weekend in London. Not only was it great to see a familiar face but we also had a lovely afternoon walking around the museum and seeing all there was to see. Also there was an installaton that matched the colour of my hair!

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

London Illustrators - Lorna Scobie

I've been thinking of other things to post on this blog for a while. And since I have made a long list of illustrators and artist who's work I really like since I've been in London I thought I might as well highlight some of them!

So first one; Lorna Scobie.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

East London Comic + Arts Festival!

Through Facebook I found out about ELCAF, a comic and arts festival that is being held in different locations in East London on the 20th/21st iof June. I have just booked my tickets and can't wait to go! The programme looks amazing with loads of fun workshops, interesting talks and exhibitions. And I have bought a ticket to a masterclass held on the 14th of June by Alexis Deacon, how exciting is that!

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Natural History Museum

Last wednesday mum and I went to the Natural History Museum. I had been before in the first week I was here but still managed to find things I hadn't seen last time!

Sketchbook #1

Here are some drawings from my sketchbook! I will be doing more of these posts to show what catches my eye around here in London.

Warner Bros Studio Tour!

Hello again!

It's been a while since I posted, I've been so busy. I'm either working at the Print Club or visiting places in London. My mum was here last week from tuesday until last sunday. We went to a lot of places I had wanted to go since I've arrived in London, number one; Warner Bros Studio Tour!

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Pick Me Up

I spent this afternoon wandering around Pick Me Up, a graphic design and illustration festival at Somerset House. Pick Me Up is a festival that showcases young talent in illustration, graphic design and other related disciplines. There were a lot of different techniques to see, screenprinting, riso printing, paper craft and animation.  The festivals is divided in a few different sections, the Pick Me Up Selects area where 12 up and coming artist show their work, there is an area where collectives, galleries and studios show their work and also organize workshops and there is the Pick Me Up Platform, where there are talks, debates and demonstrations.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

The first two weeks.

I've been in London nearly two weeks now! It seems like a long time but it has flown by.
I arrived by coach on wednesday the 15th and was picked up by Lauren, the lovely girl I'm renting my room from in Canning Town. 

The morning after was my first day at the Print Club. I got there at ten and met up with Kiera and Elliot, who I had been emailing with about my internship there. They were really nice and I got to work straight away. There was a screenprinting workshop that day and I got to help the studio technicians, together with another girl Lilly. It was great helping out the people at the workshop and at the same time getting a little reminder myself exactly how screenprinting works. My hands are itching already to get going and start printing myself. 
The print club has a great environment, besides the workshops there are always artists working in the screenprinting studio and in the artist's studio's next door. There is a really laid back atmosphere and I felt really at home there.